Nathan Board, PhD

Nathan is a Postdoctoral Associate in the Jones Lab. He received his Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology from University of California, San Diego. Prior to joining the Jones Lab, Nathan completed a PhD in Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology from Johns Hopkins University under the mentorship of Drs. Robert & Janet Siliciano. His graduate research focused on the development of novel antibody-based immunotherapies to enhance CTL- and NK cell-mediated reduction of HIV reservoirs. Currently, Nathan is interested in investigating regulators of HIV latency and intrinsic resistance to CTL killing that contribute to the long-term persistence of cells harboring HIV in persons on ART.

Fun Fact: Nathan enjoys all manner of gaming. Outside of lab, he regularly spends time relaxing with video games, running tabletop roleplaying games for his friends, or playing any of the over 100 board games in his collection.