Shane Vedova, BA

Shane is an IMP PhD student from Orange County, California. He attended UC Berkeley and received a B.A. in Molecular and Cell Biology (Genetics & Genomics focus) and a minor in Philosophy. While at Berkeley, Shane worked at the National University of Singapore and the Altius Institute in Seattle before joining the lab of Alex Marson at UCSF, where he used CRISPR to induce ectopic expression of antigens in cancer cell lines targeted by CAR-T cells. Following this, he continued in the Marson Lab as a Staff Research Associate. During this period he worked with postdoctoral fellow Murad Mamedov using genome-wide CRISPR screens to further characterize gamma delta (γδ) T cell-mediated killing of cancer cells.

Fun Fact: Shane’s favorite hobby is starting new music hobbies that he never quite finishes – currently, he’s working on learning the guitar, DJing, electronic music production, and jazz piano.